Plastia (
Regrow - ivory
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Regrow - ivory

Product ID: 1606711440
EAN: 8590415018421
11,20 tax excl.
In stock
- +pcs
A new trend in the kitchen and cooking is using home grown plant tops, called ReGrow. This kind of growing can be called sustainable, because it uses the regeneration property of plants as for example regrowing of new tops, which can be further used for cooking. This kind of growing is not based on growing from seeds, but from kitchen scraps. What vegetables are suitable for ReGrow? What vegetables are suitable for ReGrow? All root vegetables: carrots, leeks, celery and spring onions. We recommend combining with other products: Microgreens. The product is made in two variants: from the virgin material and from the virgin material with an admixture of coffee grounds. What does it mean when we say a product is made: with an admixture of coffee grounds regranulate? It means the final appearance of the product was created by mixing virgin material with 10% coffee grounds regranulate,resulting in a grainy appearance with slight colour variance.Package includes:1xREGROW,1x AVOCADO/ONION BOWL